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Price Wright II aka "Good Shepherd" was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. At a very young age he accepted Christ and the call on his life was tremendous. He is quoted saying, "I asked God to give me understanding of the word at a very young age. I wanted to know what the preachers were talking about, and God did just that. He gave me a great understanding of his word even at that young age. But along with the understanding came very serious responsibilities to the lost in his generation and generations before and after him. Good Shepherd has been involved in music since the age of 2, and can remember being six when his dad bought him his first Holy Hip Hop album. He fell in love with the genre of ministry and began working on his gift. Already talented in the area of song writing Good Shepherd began working on pieces that incorporated God in rap. All these years Good Shepherd has been in preperation for that day when his number would be called to be on the frontline of the ministry battlefield. The time is now!!! Good Shepherd is happily married to the "wonderful, lovely, beautiful, love of his life Arrica Wright," as he quoted in Holy Kingdom Magazine. Price and Barbara Wright, are the parents of Good Shepherd. He also has two brothers, Marc V. and Collin Wright all gifted in the ministry of music. "The reason I do this music is to bring people closer to Christ. Plain and simple music ministry that will encourage your soul to grow closer to the lord Jesus." Good Shep!



Good Shepherd Album Now Available!!!!

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