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First, we would like to thank you for even the thought of donating to our cause.  Please know that each and every gift given by you, our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus are used to enhance our methods and means of ministry.  God has given us a call to glorify him with our talents and abilities, and we desire to see anyone be apart of our ministry.  your gift can be any amount, and we greatly appreciate you for whatever the gift is that you donate.  Thank you for your kindness, Grace and Peace!

Short Summary of Our Ministries

Good Shepherd Ministries is an Outreach to Kansas City, Missouri first and then to the World.  Our ministries include; youth explosions, food and clothe drives, job fairs, football and basketball tournaments, Christian rap concerts, theatrical events, walk for Christ, CD realease celebrations, and many more events that we pray will pull those in from the community who are lost.  Your generous donation will help not only fund these events, but will also help us with the methods and means to take this much needed ministry to street corners across the globe.  God Bless and Keep you in his perfect peace and Thank you for your Donation!

Donations Are Accepted In Any Amount!
Thank You

See What We're Doing!

Good Shepherd and Rare Breed in Concert at Trinity Temple Church or God in Christ

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